Like it or not, humans tend to remain lazy about getting rid of extra stuff that remains in their homes for a long time without offering any real value. If you don’t believe me, just have a look in your garage or store room, and just with a glance in that place, you will realize that so much stuff is lying there that has no use for you in reality. However, there are certain situations when you have a reason to correct this mistake, and here I am talking about decluttering or downsizing at the time of moving.
If you are someone who is not familiar with the words downsizing and decluttering, here is an easy, short description of these two terms. Don’t sizing is a large-scale reduction of positions and living space that involves moving to a smaller home or apartment to simplify life, reduce expenses, or manage possessions more effectively, leading to a minimalist lifestyle.
Decluttering is a familiar word for most, which means the removal of extra goods or positions from your entire house or specific area.
Moving on to the relocation process, it is certainly a great opportunity for you to go through all your belongings and get rid of those that are not of value to you at the moment.
It is one of the least favorite things to do for people, but it will help you move to a new place with less stress.
Decluttering can seem like a mountain to climb if you have a medium-to-large house; however, this blog’s expert tips will help you declutter or downsize while relocating like a seasoned professional.
The Golden Tips To Downsizing Or Decluttering
1. Think About It As A Positive Incident Or Event
One of the first issues with decluttering and downsizing is that people perceive them to be tiresome and unnecessary. However, it is not the right mindset to look at them. One should consider it an opportunity to improve lives and be less miserable. Once you have the right mindset, you can certainly push yourself to take the first step and start the process on the right note.
2. Start As Early As Possible
If you put off getting rid of possessions you no longer need, you will find yourself in trouble. Since one or two days are not going to provide you with ample time to perform the task with efficiency, therefore, start at least 3 to 4 weeks before decluttering and downsizing.
3. Don’t Fall Into The Trap Of Procrastination
Even if you start early, you tend to procrastinate by thinking that you can leave the task for the last 2 to 3 days before leaving for a new place. It can happen to even the most responsible individuals. Therefore, always keep your mind focused and do not get into the trap of leaving things for later.
4. Create A Moving Checklist, Including The Names Of All The Possessions
Planning is the key to executing or experiencing the stairless relocation process. The planning of moving begins with evaluating all the goods you have and creating a list of them for the next steps, like packaging and hiring a packers and movers company in Bangalore. When making a relocation plan, you will be glad if you have a comprehensive checklist with you. It will give you a solid foundation on which you can execute the perfect moving process for your goods.
5. The Step-By-Step Planning Of Decluttering And Downsizing Itself
If you talk about small- to large-size house relocation, decluttering can become a huge and comprehensive task in and of itself. Here, you can follow a step-by-step approach and go through the goods you don’t use anymore.
You may start with the garage and storage room and then move to the rooms that are not in use. For example, you may have a guest room where furniture and other stuff remain untouched in your house. You can start with this and then move to the most used stuff and rooms. Most individuals will like this approach since it makes the whole process a step-by-step procedure.
Because of this approach, individuals get into the habit of executing this task bit by bit, and once they start doing the same stuff for the crowded rooms and heavier possessions like furniture, they enjoy it more.
6. Remember, If You Don’t Need It, You Need To Get Rid Of It
Many people have an emotional connection with old stuff lying in their store rooms or their houses. These can be old electronic items that are out of use, old clothes, or other stuff passed on from generation to generation.
It is all good to have a connection with your past; however, if they have no use for you or unless you have a strong bond with them, it is always better to say goodbye to them forever without any second thoughts. It makes no sense to linger on an old television or old scooter lying in your store rooms, just waiting to be turned into a scrap with each passing day.
7. Find Ways To Donate Or Sell
Decluttering or downsizing allows you to contribute to society and the environment while also earning money for yourself. You can give away or donate clothes, electronic items, electric stuff, old equipment and furniture, bedding, and much more that are of no use to you but can bring a smile to the faces of your neighbors, your relatives, or the needy.
Moreover, you can also sell the product online, maybe on OLX or Facebook Marketplace, to make some money for yourself that will offset some of the money you are spending on your home relocation.
8. Embrace The Konmari Method And 1-Year Rule
You can embrace this famous method for decluttering like a champ. It plays with your emotional side and helps you declutter in a better way. Under this method, you evaluate how much of a personal connection you have towards belongings and each item’s emotional value by asking, “Does this spark joy?”
In simple words, if, during the decluttering, you find a particular item that has not been used for almost a year and feel positive about it, you can discard it. This method transforms decluttering into a journey of self-discovery. Moreover, it helps people let go of unnecessary possessions and create a living environment filled only with items that bring genuine happiness and purpose.
9. Follow A Strict Routine
Another great tip is to stick to a structured decluttering routine. You can start by devoting 1 to 2 hours per day for at least 2 to 3 weeks before moving. It will ensure consistent progress and assist you in avoiding last-minute delays and problems. But how? This is because it divides the decluttering process into manageable steps. Assign specific time slots to various steps such as sorting, organizing, and discarding items to ensure a stress-free moving experience.
10. Embrace Multi-Purpose Storage And Create Categories
It is not true that only packing boxers can assist you in packing and organizing your items. You can use baskets, bins, and organizers to declutter your possessions. Additionally, when you are going through your possessions, make a list to organize your goods into different categories like- Keep, like keep, sell, donate, and throw. It will help you create bundles of goods and be quick with your process of decluttering.
Decluttering and downsizing before moving goods is important because it provides numerous benefits that make the relocation process smooth and successful. It reduces the burden of relocation as well as costs. Moreover, it offers emotional benefits since both are incredibly liberating, giving you a fresh start in your life and a kind of renewed energy. However, for many people, it can prove to be a very difficult task, mainly because of nonplanning and emotional constants like procrastination that make them slow and inefficient in it. This post helps you overcome all these issues and provides various tips to help individuals conquer decluttering and downsizing like champs.
You will still require the services of a reliable packers and movers company to relocate your job safely, even if you follow these tips. In this specific step, it is recommended that you use the 6 Packers and Movers platform to obtain quotes and services from the most reliable moving companies in your immediate area. This will benefit you in terms of quality and responsibility from your hired movers and packers service and save you money.

Frequently Asked Questions
What Is The Difference Between Decluttering And Downsizing?
When one talks about downsizing, it involves a significant reduction in living space or possessions to simplify life. It also aids in cutting costs and adopting a minimalist lifestyle. Decluttering is the process of removing unnecessary things from your home or a specific area. Anyone who is planning to move should follow this practice.
How Soon Before Moving Should I Begin The Process Of Downsizing And Decluttering?
The best time to downsize and declutter is ideally three to four weeks before moving. Starting early prevents last-minute stress and ensures a systematic approach.
Why Is It So Important To Make A Moving Checklist That Includes Everything You Own?
To efficiently organize the decluttering process and lay the groundwork for packing and hiring movers, a thorough moving checklist is highly recommended. It helps with meticulous preparation that results in a more seamless moving of your possessions.